Jane Lake and Spinach!
Now I'm getting really mad!
I love spinach, and now Bluto is trying to take it away from me!
Spinach salad, spanakopita, sauteed with garlic, spinach omelettes, saag paneer, spinach quiche, and even creamed spinach are among my faves.
Why can't E. Coli be more selective and attack turnips? Nobody in their right mind likes turnips, unless of course it's mixed with spinach.
I don't want to be a conspiracy theory fanatic, but if terrorists wanted to create an anemic society, they might certainly start with iron rich spinach. We must battle back and double our kale intake! We can beat this. We will not let Popeye down!
We are strong to the finish when we eat our spinach!
I'm pretty sure If you cook the spinach you'll be fine.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:32 PM
It's psychological. Does the thought of eating dead E.Coli sound appealing to you?
Posted by L.I.D | 1:35 PM
Although I wouldn't wish e coli on any veggie if I had to choose one spinach would be at the top, or near the top I'd choose.
Blogmad hit!
(I've popped in here several times through blogmad and felt a comment was owed.)
Posted by Anonymous | 5:24 PM
yes exactly, why spinach...i'm so tired of going to the grocery stores and seeing no spinach there...
Posted by Anonymous | 4:10 AM
Oh how I miss spinach!
The weird late night walk up window vegetarian food black market shop has a spinach and grilled cheese (with like 3 cheeses) sandwhich. I miss, I miss!
Posted by Anonymous | 9:30 AM
i love spinach, and was dumbfounded when i discovered there wasnt any available at the grocery store... so i bought some lettuce. i hadnt had lettuce in years, really. it was pretty awesome. remember what you said about change, jane?
Posted by Anonymous | 3:58 PM
spinach, spinach, spinach. the problem on this whole E. Coli was that one grower was to blame for the number of growers of the suppliers who were notified. Once again lawyers and media blow something out of porporation when they didn't need to. Oh yeah, cooking is the only way to get rid of the E. Coli.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:11 PM